This is a program set that is aimed at helping youngsters to be world ready. Our tailor-made programs mesh outdoor survival skills training with physical activities along with a camping out experience in the wilderness

We believe in using the outdoors to inculcate youngsters with better communication skills, team skills, leadership qualities and a sense of staying connected to the society through non-formal way of education.

Based on the number of nights available, we have a wide range of options in terms of locations & activities.

1Dynamic & High Obstacle Courses

2Johari Window & feedback mechanism

3Trust Walk

4Rappelling & other rope courses

5Crossing Over

6Capture the Market

7Debrief with S.M.A.R.T. Goals

8Outdoor survival techniques - Tent pitching, building a fire and so on

9Guided night walk

10Treks and Raft Building

Our Outdoor Survival Activities